Customer Care Featured

  • End to ‘sleepless nights’ after CrestClean takes over...

    Ronnie Moffat, Property Manager at Mount Aspiring College, says having CrestClean’s services has finally given him peace of mind. He is pictured with Danny Mastroianniv(left), Karina Vaccarezza, Claudia Barrientos, and Lorena Mastroianni.

    CrestClean has received glowing praise from a Wanaka school after it took over the cleaning contract earlier this year. Ronnie Moffat, Property Manager at Mount Aspiring College, says employing CrestClean’s services has finally given him peace of mind the job is at last in good hands. In an email to Danny Mastroianni, CrestClean’s Queenstown Lakes

  • CrestClean specialists help prepare company’s impressive new building

    CrestClean franchisee Martin DeGuzman at work on the exterior of the Southland Farm Machinery building.

    An Invercargill company preparing for the opening of its impressive new headquarters called in CrestClean experts to tackle the landmark building’s vast glass frontage. Southland Farm Machinery spokeswoman Hollie Cooper says cleaning the huge expanses of glass required a specialist knowledge and the right approach. “There’s a lot of glass and it’s great to have

  • Warm welcome for RecycleKiwi in Invercargill

    Regional Manager Glenn Cockroft and franchisee Kim Jin present a RecycleKiwi pack to Julian Ineson, Principal of Invercargill’s St Theresa’s School.

    RecycleKiwi has landed in Invercargill with the first resource pack being presented to Invercargill’s St Theresa’s school. Principal Julian Ineson was delighted to receive the colourful box from CrestClean’s Invercargill Regional Manager Glenn Cockroft, and franchisee Kim Jin, who has just taken over the cleaning of the school in the past few weeks. Julian said

  • School has big focus on creating cleaner and...

    David White, Shotover Primary School Property Manager, with CrestClean’s Isamaeli Takitua.

    Students and staff at Queenstown’s Shotover Primary School have been doing their bit to help CrestClean personnel create a cleaner and tidier environment. CrestClean Queenstown Lakes and Central Otago Regional Master Franchisee Danny Mastroianni has been working closely with school property manager David White to bring greater efficiencies in the cleaning. Students are encouraged to

  • CrestClean’s hand-hygiene training sessions helps school battle winter...

    Two youngsters check for “invisible germs” on their hands during a session on hand-hygiene presented by Gina Holland.

    A CrestClean manager has won praise from a Christchurch school principal for teaching kids about the importance of adopting good hand-hygiene habits. Gina Holland offered to run awareness sessions at Halswell Primary School after Stuart Cameron got in touch for advice following an unprecedented level of student absences due to winter bugs. He says Gina’s

  • Stickers in te reo Maori encourage kids to...

    Matapihi School students Enchant'd Quinn, Kataraena Ngawhika-Kerr, Meeah-May Sullivan, Maioha Merritt-McDonald, and Alexis Ngatai.

    Six words in te reo Maori are helping to teach New Zealand kids good recycling habits. The words feature on a set of colourful bilingual stickers that are a key component of RecycleKiwi – a brand new initiative aimed at schools that offers guidance and advice on waste management and recycling. The stickers can transform

  • Former carpenter finds his niche as school’s...

    Principal Janet Moyle with caretaker Tagau Meleson seen presenting a RecycleKiwi resource pack.

    He’s become the school’s “Mr Fix-it” and nothing is too much trouble for Tagau Meleson. The carpenter and joiner, who has more than 40 years’ experience, has found his niche as the caretaker at Auckland’s Henderson Valley School. Whether he’s mowing lawns and gardening or carrying out general maintenance tasks, such as replacing faulty locks

  • Caretaker wins praise of grateful school principal

    Shalvin Raj with Don Buck School’s Principal Jennice Murray (right) and admin staff Carolyn Goffin and Michelle Lewis.

    Putting her school’s caretaking duties in CrestClean’s hands has been a resounding success, says Principal Jennice Murray. “I would never go back to any other way now,” adds the head of Don Buck School. Crest PropertyCare provides schools and businesses with a viable alternative to directly employing a caretaker. Caretaking duties operate on a contract

  • Couple receive 100 percent in customer satisfaction survey

    Rameshwar Sharma and Rasmi Kiran Lata receive their long service certificate from Damon Johnson, CrestClean’s Assistant Franchise Manager.

    Former telecommunications technician Rameshwar Sharma loves the variety he gets from running his own business. As a specialist in carpet care, window cleaning, and hard floor care, Rameshwar says no two days are quite the same. “I like the variety of the work and there’s no pressure and we do the job at our own

  • Celebrating 10 successful years of business ownership in...

    Jay Gounder receives his long service award from Grant McLauchlan, CrestClean’s Managing Director.

    Switching from horticulture to commercial cleaning was a fruitful move for Jay Gounder who is celebrating a personal milestone with his business. Jay, who has been running his own successful CrestClean franchise for the past 10 years, says he hasn’t looked back since changing careers. He was encouraged to join CrestClean while he was still

  • Climate change scientist who switched careers celebrates 10...

    Poni and Tau Faavae receive their long service award from Grant McLauchlan, CrestClean’s Managing Director.

    A former environmental scientist who developed the blueprint for a Pacific island nation’s climate change strategy is celebrating 10 successful years with CrestClean. Before moving to New Zealand to start his own cleaning company, Poni Faavae worked as an adviser for the Tuvalu Government. He was instrumental in setting out the country’s long-term plans to

  • CrestClean business owner helps out after school fundraiser

    Organisers of a school fundraiser had one less job to worry about thanks to CrestClean business owner Bura Takinoa. Bura volunteered to clean up following the successful quiz night and auction held at the Community Hall in Snells Beach, which raised $18,000 for Snells Beach School. Marissa Bale, one of the event’s organisers, says at


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126


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0800 273 780

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