
  • Positive feedback gained at Waikato Delegates Conference

    Delegates attending the Waikato Assistant Principal/Deputy Principal Conference could not praise CrestClean enough. The conference, which was held at Novotel Tainui in Hamilton on August 27 and 28, attracted 70 delegates from schools throughout the Waikato. CrestClean is a gold sponsor of the Waikato Assistant Principals/Deputy Principals Network and was one of 10 stallholders. Hamilton

  • Waikato Rugby Union acknowledges good service

    Waikato Rugby Union staff could not be happier with the standard of service they receive from CrestClean Hamilton franchisee Lakshman Jetti. Lakshman has been taking care of the Waikato Rugby Union premises for 15 months and cleans the office space, based at Waikato Stadium, twice a week. The high standard of service prompted staff to

  • Experienced Quality Assurance manager appointed

    Jason Cheng is CrestClean’s new Operations Co-ordinator for Bay of Plenty and Waikato regions, which includes Hamilton, Tauranga, Rotorua, Taupo and Whakatane. This role requires Jason to undertake quality audits, assist with implementing new contracts and be a guiding force for franchisees new to the business. CrestClean has similar co-ordinators in Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Wellington

  • Crest a ‘Huge Improvement’ for Trust

    When CrestClean secures a new contract, one of the first tasks for the Regional Manager is to put a team or two on site to bring conditions up to our standard of quality. For Centre 401 Trust, Nivitesh Kumar called on two of his teams, including Hamilton Franchisee Praneel Prasad, and ended up receiving the

  • Holiday After 10 Years with Crest

    To celebrate his 10 years with CrestClean, Hamilton Franchisee Dorsamy Goundar is taking a holiday. “I’m going to Canada, where I have three uncles and several cousins, in Vancouver, Toronto and Calgary, and then San Francisco, where my wife’s sisters live.” He’ll be using the $2000 travel voucher he received for his 10 years of

  • Hamilton Teams Shine for New Client

    CrestClean is now providing cleaning services to the Hamilton sites of Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC). Waikato Regional Manager Nivitesh Kumar says he was approached by LIC’s procurement manager several months ago and that CrestClean’s solid reputation with other dairy industry clients helped to secure the contract. “They’re extremely happy with the transition and what’s going

  • Hamilton Franchisees Celebrate Long Service Successes

    CrestClean Managing Director Grant McLauchlan had the opportunity to personally congratulate many outstanding CrestClean Franchisees at a recent Team Meeting in Hamilton. On the 23rd of July, several Long Service Awards were given to Franchisees who hit their 5, 7, 10 and 11 year marks with CrestClean. They include Gayaneshwar Raju for 11 years, Dorsamy

  • Hyundai Hamilton’s Best Cleaner Ever

    It has been just over six months since Crest took on Hyundai Hamilton as a valued customer, and the dealership couldn’t be happier. Dealer Principal Euan Means says that Crest Franchisee Lakshman Jetti is a very loyal Hyundai customer and the best commercial cleaner he has ever seen. Lakshman previously worked for BP, and life

  • Team Waikato!!

    Waikato’s Christmas party was held at Matangi Hall. With a BBQ run by the BBQ experts William and Gayan, and plenty of curry and other dishes, all Franchisees and families had a great time. Hamilton Regional Manager Nivi Kumar also took the opportunity to recognise outstanding performance for the year with three franchisees given trophies

  • And the Winner is…

    CrestClean’s always keen to get involved with local schools and encourage young people to keep their schools and classrooms clean – and what better way to do that than award the ‘Cleanest Classroom’ of the term with delicious pizza? This term, the mouth-watering prize was awarded to Room Two of Newstead School in Hamilton. The

  • New Vehicle for CrestClean franchisee Vikash Nand

    CrestClean Hamilton franchise, Vikash Nand is proud to introduce his brand new Mazda Premacy. Having worked for CrestClean for 2 years, Vikash has managed to secure contracts with schools and health centres. He says that he is receiving good feedback from his school clients, “They are proud to have CrestClean managing their buildings, and I

  • Enormous Watermelon Brings Joy to Cambridge Children

    Franchisees Krishn and Sangeeta Adhar recently took along an enormous Watermelon for the kids at Bunnies Childcare, Cambridge, Waikato. That day, after a reading of one of the kids’ favorite stories ‘The Enormous Watermelon’, they were surprised with the real Watermelon and enjoyed holding it and each having a piece to eat. The teacher Courtney


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126

Email: service@crestclean.co.nz

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For more information and all enquiries: Call
0800 273 780

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