
  • Crest teams help out

    When Orland and Desiree Cudal needed help, three Invercargill franchisees and Regional Manager Glenn Cockroft came to their rescue. Orland, who works on a dairy farm during the day and helps wife, Desiree, clean clients premises at night, was run over by a tractor and trailer in June. As a result of the accident, Orland

  • Best practice essential in the fight against cross-contamination

    As recently published in INCLEAN NZ Magazine: Workers and cleaners have an equal role to play in the prevention of cross-contamination in the workplace. It is estimated that one in three will catch the current flu virus this year, which could have a major impact on a firms productivity levels. The best way to prevent


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126


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0800 273 780

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