
  • Upskilling takes floor care to next level

    He’s a shining example of someone who just won’t accept second best. When it comes to floor care there’s precious little Randeep Singh doesn’t know about cleaning and polishing. And he not only takes great pride in his work, he loves passing on his knowledge and skills to fellow CrestClean business owners. Randeep’s hard work

  • Kids snap up Crest PropertyCare prize

    Kids were just itching to grab a piece of the action when a prize of six rugby balls arrived at their school. Principal Gareth Swete found plenty of young hands willing to try out the balls he won in a promotion to celebrate the success of Crest PropertyCare – CrestClean’s new caretaking service for schools.

  • Childhood centre: The cleaning just blows us away

    When Robert Glenie popped in to an early childhood centre he was impressed by what he saw – and he knew the bar was set high for the standard of cleaning required. The six-year-old building at Methven is still in pristine condition and staff at Leap Ahead Preschool are not only passionate about their work,

  • CrestClean turns 20 today!

    Let’s celebrate our big birthday… Crest was launched in 1996, at a time when there was opportunity for change in New Zealand’s cleaning industry. Our vision was to develop a proprietary franchise system with innovative business processes designed to capture a large market share by enhancing service levels. Twenty prosperous years later, CrestClean has become

  • Cleanest classroom award rewards youngsters

    It was three cheers for CrestClean after school children were rewarded for keeping their surroundings spic and span. And these competitive pupils went the extra mile to be shining examples of tidiness by landing the Cleanest Classroom Award. The Room 23 pupils aimed to be the best after having seen the great prizes some of

  • CrestClean’s green credentials hailed

    CrestClean has been hailed the “perfect” fit for an environmentally-conscious school looking to save energy. Timaru’s Bluestone School recently replaced all the old lights and replaced them with the latest LED energy savers. And in another green move, it also installed solar panels. School Principal Ian Poulter was open to innovation that would make savings,

  • Company says duo prevented a computer disaster

    Toll Global’s Donna Powell has nothing but praise for CrestClean’s Ashok and Kamni Kumar. Recalling the day the South Auckland freight forwarding company got flooded, she said Ashok and Kamni’s quick thinking had undoubtedly prevented a financial disaster. The franchisees not only alerted staff and helped move office equipment, they happily stayed on for several

  • Keshwan sets sights on 10-year-milestone

    Keshwan receives his seven-year Long Service Certificate from Wellington Regional Manager Richard Brodie.

    . For Keshwan there’s nothing better than happy clients. His dedication to his work has been praised by CrestClean’s Wellington Regional Manager Richard Brodie. “Keshwan and his team do a great job cleaning. Their standards are always very high and he’s a pleasure to deal with. “He has very good relationships with his clients and

  • Seal of approval for our CrestClean team

    Early-risers Dan and Aijita Sharma are up with the lark to make sure Wellington’s Government House stays spotlessly clean. CrestClean Franchisees get to carry out cleaning duties in some varied and interesting places and the husband and wife team love working at the historic home where their day begins at 5am. The couple got the

  • CrestClean features in latest issue of Franchise New...

    CrestClean has been featured in the latest issue of the Franchise New Zealand magazine. The informative and well-balanced article covers the Health and Safety at Work Act which becomes law from April 4. It explains what the legislation means for franchise owners/companies/organisations and uses what Crest has done, with the implementation of our SafeClean Health,

  • Best practice essential in the fight against cross-contamination

    As recently published in INCLEAN NZ Magazine: Workers and cleaners have an equal role to play in the prevention of cross-contamination in the workplace. It is estimated that one in three will catch the current flu virus this year, which could have a major impact on a firms productivity levels. The best way to prevent

  • Cleaning Industry Training Standards needed

    On a typical day, hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders enter their workplaces and get on with their jobs. Most don’t pay a second thought to the cleaners who came into the office as they headed out the door, aside from perhaps a passing hello. No one really cares. It’s an industry that works during


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126


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For more information and all enquiries: Call
0800 273 780

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