
  • Customer relationships key to success

    A strong relationship with customers has been one of Rakesh Bhan’s keys to running a successful business. “It takes time to build relationships with customers. I always communicate with them. That is one of the keys to running a successful business.” The longest-serving Tauranga franchisee, who looks after 19 contracts, will celebrate 10 years in

  • Pure Water Window Cleaning proves effective

    Pure Water Window Cleaning is becoming increasingly popular among businesses in Tauranga. The service provides cost effective window cleaning solutions for buildings up to 4 stories high. Carbon fibre poles and pure water technology is used to clean external windows. Carbon fibre poles can to extend to 10 metres, which allow personnel to clean high

  • Pilot winging over the Bay

    The CrestClean Amphibious Microlight has been featured in the Whakatane-based newsaper The Beacon and Bay of Plenty Times. Pilot Derek Holmes spent last weekend flying over Whakatane, Opotiki, Ohope and Mt Maunganui. Both articles highlighted the uniqueness of the aircraft and in recognition of the historic change facing New Zealand, Mr Holmes has displayed the current

  • Tauranga team celebrate Christmas

    CrestClean’s Tauranga team enjoyed the end of year Christmas party. “It went well,” Regional Manager Jan Lichtwark says. As part of end of year celebrations, franchisees and their families played bowls, caught up with the rest of the team and enjoyed a barbecue. “Everyone really enjoyed themselves. It was a nice afternoon,” he says. Jan

  • CrestClean Amphibious Microlight captures stingray jumping out of...

    A stingray jumping out of the water was captured on video onboard the CrestClean Amphibious Microlight on Sunday. How to avoid prosecution if a delivery person is injured on your work premises. Pilot Derek Holmes spent the day flying around Waihi Beach. As he was taking off from Tanners Point in Katikati, his video camera,

  • Childcare premises always left ‘Crest’ Clean

    Anuragni and Sangeet Chandra take a lot of care when they clean their customers’ premises. The husband and wife team relocated from Fiji to New Zealand eight years ago. As part of their current contract base, Anuragni and Sangeet take care of Otumoetai Plunket, ABC Bayfair, ABC Tauranga Central and Gate Pa Preschool. Ensuring each

  • Tauranga Team Shines

    Pride and passion was shown by franchisees present at the Tauranga team meeting. Thirty-six team members attended the meeting that was held at Club Mount Maunganui on October 13. Managing Director Grant McLauchlan spoke to franchisees about the continual growth CrestClean has experienced over the last 12 months and introduced Crest’s new services, PestCo and

  • CrestClean Tauranga approved Bay of Plenty District Health...

    CrestClean franchisees are able to consistently demonstrate safe work practices, in safe work places and go home safely each day thanks to Crest’s comprehensive Health, Safety and Environmental Management System. This was the outcome of a Safety Management System (SMS) Audit carried out by Bay of Plenty District Health Board Property Services Health and Safety

  • PestCo gains momentum

    CrestClean’s pest control service PestCo is gaining momentum following its launch in Auckland and Tauranga. PestCo, which is a division of CrestClean, provides customers with pest control services and Integrated Pest Management programmes. Integrated Pest Management is an educated, strategic approach to pest control that minimises risks to people and the environment. By assessing your

  • Tauranga Team’s Mid-Winter Christmas Festivities

    Franchisees and their families enjoyed catching up and meeting new members of the Tauranga Crest team at a mid-winter Christmas lunch. The lunch, which received a turnout of 46 franchisees and their families, was held at Smart India in Mount Maunganui. As part of festivities, Tauranga Regional Manager Jan Lichtwark presented Bert and Felicity van

  • CrestClean hosts Health and Safety seminar with Tauranga...

    Navigating new requirements around the Health and Safety Reform Bill is vital to understanding how to protect your workplace from third party health and safety risks. This was the focus of a recent Health and Safety seminar that was run by CrestClean in conjunction with the Tauranga Chamber of Commerce. Health and Safety Consultant and

  • Tauranga Team Meets New Quality Assurance Co-ordinator

    As CrestClean continues to grow, new people are joining the business at all the times, in all the regions. Jason Cheng recently moved from Auckland to Hamilton to take on the role of Quality Assurance Co-ordinator for Waikato and Bay of Plenty. Jason is one of several company officers throughout the CrestClean organisation whose role


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126

Email: service@crestclean.co.nz

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For more information and all enquiries: Call
0800 273 780

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