
  • CrestClean signs the Partners in Action Pledge

    As an organisation with a stake in achieving the Workplace Health and Safety Strategy’s vision of ‘healthy people in safe and productive workplaces’, CrestClean recently accepted the challenge to become a Partner in Action with the Department of Labour to reduce New Zealand’s work toll. In the two months since the Department of Labour’s Partners

  • Winner of Top 10 Supplier Award

    Each year one of CrestClean’s South Auckland customers, Speedy Signs Manukau presents special awards to their Top 10 Suppliers. This year for the second year in a row, one of CrestClean’s franchisees Ravindra Chandra won this title as their Top 10 Supplier. Ravindra has been cleaning their premises for just over 3 years now, and

  • Crest India called in for the Games Village...

    NZ’s top current affairs presenter John Campbell talks to Shikha Jain about Crest’s role in cleaning up the games village. Watch video

  • Kiwi Company to the Rescue in Games Village

    An eleventh hour rescue by a Kiwi cleaning company could save a possible threat of New Zealand’s team’s withdrawal from the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi. “Following an approach by the New Zealand High Commissioner in Delhi, Rupert Holborow, Crest Cleaning’s India business mucked in to sort out the New Zealand team’s accommodation,” said Crest

  • US microbiologist says toilet seats cleaner than office...

    Prof Charles Gerba shook hands for what must have been the 100th time that day and kept talking as he seamlessly turned to the hand-wash dispenser and the paper towels. “You know, 20% of germs you’ll transmit are passed through handshakes,” the man some in the United States fondly call Dr Germ joked in a

  • NZPF Conference Prize Winner

    In July, Crest attended the New Zealand Principals’ Federation Conference in Christchurch, as an exhibitor. Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd is a bronze level partner and active supporter of the NZPF. As part of our conference display we offered a spot prize to Principals. A local Christchurch school, Westburn School, won the prize of $500 of

  • Otago Daily Times – Businesses urged to focus...

    Dunedin-based company Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd’s successful Mumbai franchise showed how well strong business models could work even in a competitive, low-wage economy. Read more on Otago Daily Times website

  • NZ company cleans up in India

    New Zealand’s largest commercial cleaning franchise, Crest Commercial Cleaning, has struck up a deal in India which will see it operating in around a dozen cities and employing thousands of people in the next two years. Since securing the country licence agreement in 2008, Crest Commercial Cleaning (India) Pvt. has employed 300 people in India.

  • Germs are everywhere – so clean yourself up

    TV3 – featuring Crest’s Adam Hodge. It is Global Handwashing Day, and this charming piece of information is part of a range of disturbing findings aimed at improving hygiene practices around the world. Watch this video

  • TV3 Exploring franchises as employment

    With redundancy levels rising and many employees facing uncertain future, a growing number of people are exploring franchises as a way of making a living. Watch video

  • Sports Balls a hit with Schools

    Pirongia School in Te Awamutu has a “crazy wig day” happening on the day of the balls presentation.  Crest Franchisee Mike Mills is on the left with the bright red wig, and area manager Gerry Burger has bright blue hair in the centre. There are a lot of school kids happily playing with Crest rugby

  • NZQA National Certificate in Cleaning and Caretaking achiever...

    Kyle Wood is the first Crest person in Tauranga to gain his National Certificate. Kyle works with his father David Wood, and his father’s partner Sandra Maxwell. He has his own van and customers within the franchise. Customers note Kyle’s broad base of skills in his workmanship. He has an extensive knowledge about a lot


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126


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For more information and all enquiries: Call
0800 273 780

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