
  • NZQA National Certificate in Cleaning and Caretaking achiever...

    Kyle Wood is the first Crest person in Tauranga to gain his National Certificate. Kyle works with his father David Wood, and his father’s partner Sandra Maxwell. He has his own van and customers within the franchise. Customers note Kyle’s broad base of skills in his workmanship. He has an extensive knowledge about a lot

  • NZQA National Certificate in Cleaning and Caretaking achiever...

    Nitasha started out a very shy person. Over the years she went between volunteering behind the scenes at a small school and running courses through another organisation.  This helped build her confidence to a much better level and she was finally able to get through an interview (the hardest part of the job). Nitasha worked at

  • Crest Updates Quality Training Manual

    After nearly 18 months of detailed planning the Crest Quality Training Manual has been published and distributed to all Franchisees. The collation of the Manual has been a tremendous team effort and I would like to thank all those involved in its production. During my visits to the regions I have taken the opportunity to

  • Auckland Franchisees get NZQA certificates presented

    It was a rewarding day for a group of Crest Auckland Franchisees when they were presented with their certificates for the NZQA Limited Credit Programme in Cleaning recently at Ellerslie. Already 142 of over 200 Crest Franchisees have completed course one and 75 have completed the Limited Credit Programme in Cleaning. Crest aims to have

  • Chris Chapman Appointed as Quality and Training Manager

    As part of Crest’s drive to improve the training we offer to franchisees, Crest has recently appointed Chris Chapman to the role of Quality and Training Manager. Chris has had over 30 years of involvement in the cleaning industry. Twice he has owned his own contract cleaning businesses, and some time ago he was an

  • Fast 50, but not fast enough

    IT WASN’T THE YEAR for Crest Commercial Cleaners but boy, did the cleaning franchise come close with growth of 134% just outside the threshold, of just a whisker under 140%.  That will be tough to take as it’s Crest’s highest growth rate since the Fast 50 began. In 2001, it would be been enough to

  • Green Buildings – Sustainable Development

    A 2004 Jones Lang LaSalle report “Commercial Property Going Green” states that property owners who implement Green building, sustainability, and sustainable development strategies will be rewarded with cost reductions including: • Lower waste disposal and water costs • Lower environmental and emission costs • Lower operations and maintenance costs With proper training and equipment and

  • Crest Wins Master Franchise of the Year Award...

    Awards Judge Warwick Grey says master franchisee Dennis Gilderdale of Crest Commercial Cleaning in Hamilton stood out as being the top master franchisee in New Zealand for a number of reasons. “Dennis Gilderdale has well developed systems and has developed firm relationships with franchisees and their customers. He represents a strong national brand and delivers


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126


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For more information and all enquiries: Call
0800 273 780

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