
  • Manager impressed by ‘terrific job’ carried out by...

    Doing the best job for his customers is something he takes pride in so when they give great feedback he couldn’t be happier. “Building that customer relationship is very important and if you constantly do good work people will appreciate it,” says CrestClean’s Dorsamy (Samy) Goundar. At Pact Group, where Samy has been working for

  • Enthusiasm shines bright as Krishn celebrates seven years...

    He’s been with CrestClean for seven years and he’s just as enthusiastic as the day he began. “It’s the best job I’ve had and I really enjoy it,” says Krishn Adhar, who has doubled the size of his Hamilton business over the past few years. Krishn and his wife Sangeeta are originally from Fiji and

  • CrestClean team praised for their help at Waikato...

    CrestClean’s Hamilton regional manager has been thanked for providing a team to spruce up three houses that accommodate victims of domestic violence. Nivitesh Kumar says he didn’t need to think twice when asked if he could assist with a “spring clean” at the Waikato Women’s Refuge. “We wanted to do what we could to support

  • Kids get a real taste of Fiji thanks...

    When CrestClean’s Praneel Prasad heard that teachers and students at the school he looks after were planning to visit his homeland, he jumped at the chance to get involved. Although he couldn’t be there himself, Praneel arranged for the party from Hamilton Christian School to be met at the airport when they arrived in Fiji.

  • That’s another little job polished off!

    Permal Naidu’s passion for cleaning knows no bounds and he’s a stickler for detail. So it was no surprise when Permal was snapped giving his new van a finial wipe-over after he rolled up to show off the Nissan NV200 to CrestClean’s Waikato Regional Manager Nivitesh Kumar. He’d made an appointment to meet Nivitesh –

  • Jumbo-sized van ticks all the boxes

    Praneel Prasad is delighted with his Toyota Hiace Jumbo. It means he can carry all his specialist cleaning equipment in one vehicle.

    His new van is turning heads in Hamilton with its distinctive livery acting like a giant mobile billboard. Praneel Prasad’s Toyota Hiace Jumbo is the perfect fit for his business. The roomy vehicle means he can offer a quick response to his customers’ needs by having all the necessary cleaning equipment at hand. As well

  • Industry experts share top tips with newbies

    Jason Cheng (left) and Pinakin Patel with CrestClean personnel attending the training event run by the Master Cleaners Training Institute.

      CrestClean newbies attending a key training course had two of the best operators in the business to learn from. The Master Cleaners Training Institute Module 1 programme was delivered by Jason Cheng assisted by Pinakin Patel. Jason has his own Crest cleaning business but he’s also one of the company’s Quality Assurance Co-ordinators. He’s

  • PestCo’s expert busy as rat numbers soar following...

    PestCo Service Technician Mike Wills says he’s busier than previous years dealing with rats and mice.

    PestCo’s hotline has reported a surge in calls to deal with rats as hungry rodents head indoors as winter sets in. Rat numbers have exploded throughout the country after a long and dry spell of warm weather. While Kiwis enjoyed the record-breaking summer, a downside was it created ideal breeding conditions for rodents. More rats

  • Business ownership a dream come true

    CrestClean business owner Simis James is delighted to be his own boss – but it was a move that took time and patience before the dream became a reality. Simis, who is originally from India, was introduced to CrestClean by friends who were franchisees. And what he heard about being a small business owner made

  • It’s just not cricket: Insect his bugbear

    PestCo service technician Mike Wills says crickets have been attracted to bait stations he uses to target rats and rodents.

    PestCo service technician Mike Wills is definitely not a cricket fan – when it comes to his job that is. Forget about the popular game, it’s the tiny insects that have been his constant bugbear over the dry, warm months of summer and autumn. For crickets have been swarming to the bait stations he uses

  • Winners sweep up Crest’s school award

    CrestClean’s Amandeep Singh and teacher Lee Rattray at Newstead School with pupils who won the Cleanest Classroom Award.

    These Hamilton youngsters got swept up by the cleaning bug to win CrestClean’s Cleanest Classroom Award. The Newstead School pupils tucked into pizza as a reward for keeping their classroom the tidiest. The competition is run at many of the 430 schools that are cleaned by CrestClean franchisees. The classroom that is kept the cleanest

  • Principal’s joy at winning Crest PropertyCare draw

    There will be no shortage of rugby balls when kids return to Hamilton’s Te Kowhai School next term. Tony Grey was one of six lucky principals who won a bag of rugby balls as part of a promotion to celebrate the success of Crest PropertyCare – CrestClean’s new caretaking service for schools. “It’s a nice


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126

Email: service@crestclean.co.nz

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For more information and all enquiries: Call
0800 273 780

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