Hawke’s Bay

  • Hawke’s Bay CrestClean teams acknowledged for their efforts

    Hawke’s Bay franchisees recently enjoyed a ‘get-together’ to acknowledge their efforts following Cyclone Gabrielle. “We’ve had a really rough time as a region, so I wanted to hold a feel-good event where everyone could get together and enjoy each other’s company,” says Tim O’Leary, CrestClean’s Hawke’s Bay Regional Master Franchisee. “While the floods and the

  • CrestClean vehicles shine at 2022 audits

    CrestClean’s twice-yearly vehicle audits kicked off in the Central North Island last week, and it’s shaping up to be the best year yet, says Health, Safety and Wellbeing Leader Ian Noon. “It’s been really successful so far. The general standard of presentation is very high and the franchisees all seem to be happy,” says Ian.

  • Christmas cheer for Hawke’s Bay franchisee

    Cleaner holding Christmas card.

    Every year Hawke’s Bay franchisee Mercy Rabanal receives a handmade Christmas card from Kowhai Special School — but this year there was an extra something tucked into the card. The school, which Mercy has cleaned since becoming a CrestClean franchisee almost five years ago, generously gifted her a $100 Prezzy Card as a token of

  • Ice cream hits the spot as CrestClean dishes...

    School children with ice cream.

    The children in Room 11 at Mahora School have scooped up CrestClean’s Cleanest Classroom Award. The dedicated youngsters were excited to be rewarded with a certificate and ice creams for having the best-kept classroom at the Hastings school. The Cleanest Classroom programme is run at many of the over 450 primary and intermediate schools that

  • Jammies for June — CrestClean encourages Hawke’s Bay...

    Children holding pyjamas.

    When it comes to choosing kids’ pyjamas, it pays to call in the experts. That’s what CrestClean’s Hawke’s Bay Regional Master Franchisee Tim O’Leary did when donating to the ‘Jammies for June’ initiative — he sought the advice of his two kids, Daniel, 5 and Anna, 3. And, with the discerning, pint-sized shoppers choosing sleepy

  • Kids enjoy a tasty treat for keeping their...

    A tasty treat was on the cards for students at Hastings Christian School – courtesy of CrestClean’s Jay Gounder. The youngsters in class B3 were the latest winners of the Cleanest Classroom Award. The competition is run at many of the 430 schools that are cleaned by CrestClean franchisees. The classroom that is kept the

  • Feedback brings another accolade for Hawke’s Bay’s queen...

    She’s the queen of quality with a stack of accolades as testament to the high standards she prides herself on delivering. Sophie Chase has just picked up another Certificate of Excellence, the third such award this year and making a grand total of 14 since she joined CrestClean. The latest award follows glowing praise about

  • Couple thrilled with move from employees to business...

    More family time with a regular and stable income are just two of the many benefits Edelyn and Paulo Robles are enjoying having recently joined CrestClean. Being a contractor in the telecommunications industry meant Paulo could never be sure of a regular pay cheque. The couple bought a CrestClean business after working for friends, who

  • Switch of careers sees couple lead successful cleaning...

    Kelly and Tim O’Leary.

    She’s stepped out of her principal’s shoes to focus on spending more time with their two young children. But Kelly O’Leary remembers only too well the importance of having a clean and healthy school and how quickly things can go downhill when problems occur with the cleaners. As well as being a fulltime mum, Kelly

  • Celebrating 10 successful years of business ownership in...

    Jay Gounder receives his long service award from Grant McLauchlan, CrestClean’s Managing Director.

    Switching from horticulture to commercial cleaning was a fruitful move for Jay Gounder who is celebrating a personal milestone with his business. Jay, who has been running his own successful CrestClean franchise for the past 10 years, says he hasn’t looked back since changing careers. He was encouraged to join CrestClean while he was still

  • Cleanest Classroom competition earns Napier kids an Easter...

    Deborah Herries hands out Easter eggs to children who won the Cleanest Classroom competition at St Patrick’s School, Napier.

    Easter arrived early for these delighted children who received chocolate eggs from CrestClean as a reward for their tidiness. The St Patrick’s School youngsters went into a frenzy after learning they’d won CrestClean’s Cleanest Classroom competition. The competition is run at many of the 474 schools around the country that are cleaned by CrestClean business

  • Pizza treat rewards kids for keeping their classroom...

    These kids look so pleased with themselves after scoring a pizza lunch for being so tidy. The Hastings Christian School youngsters were rewarded with the tasty treat for winning CrestClean’s Cleanest Classroom Award. The competition is run at many of the 474 schools that are cleaned by CrestClean franchisees. The classroom that is kept the


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126

Email: service@crestclean.co.nz

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0800 273 780

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