Cleaning Services Featured

  • He’s enjoying being his own boss and having...

    Buying a CrestClean franchise ended Surej Nair’s quest to find an occupation that fitted in with his young family. With his wife working as a nurse, Surej needed something that had flexible hours so he could be at home while Radhika was working. Now running his own successful CrestClean franchise in Tauranga, Surej says he’s

  • Couples have sights set high as CrestClean exceeds...

    CrestClean is attracting a new generation of motivated professionals keen to have more control of their working lives. High-achievers who have bought a cleaning franchise have included accountants, software designers, solicitors and people working in banking. Caroline Wedding, CrestClean’s Auckland West Regional Manager, says the cleaning industry is fulfilling the dreams and aspirations of young

  • CrestClean’s decade of sponsorship recognised by principals’ federation

    CrestClean has been officially recognised for its ongoing support of the New Zealand Principals’ Association. NZPF President Whetu Cormick presented CrestClean’s Managing Director Grant McLauchlan with a long service certificate in recognition of the decade long partnership between the two organisations. He chose the recent annual meeting of the NZPF business partners in Auckland to

  • Tidy kids surprise their CrestClean team with a...

    School children had a big surprise in store for Aznayne Ali and his wife Anjeline Sahayam when the couple arrived to hand out pizza prizes. The CrestClean business owners were at Palmerston North’s Milson School to present the Cleanest Classroom Award – a competition that rewards kids for being tidy. The classroom that is kept

  • Deepesh is college’s shining star

    It’s not just his cleaning that’s made him popular with staff and students at Wellington’s Scots College. His friendly approach and accommodating attitude is also where Deepesh Prasad shines, says Tania Steadman, the college’s Boarding House Matron. She says Deepesh has his work cut out ensuring bedrooms, living areas, bathrooms, kitchens, and office areas are

  • Shining success in soccer tournament after CrestClean provides...

    A CrestClean sponsored soccer team has not only won a prestigious tournament, its players picked up the award for being the best turned out team. The Western Flyers reigned supreme at the inter district championships, staged by the Christchurch Fiji Football and Social Association. The team’s manager, Kumaran Nair, says CrestClean’s support in supplying the

  • Skills course starts from the floor up for...

    CrestClean’s new business owners rose to the challenge when their floor cleaning skills were put to the test. They were attending an intensive training programme that leads to the Certificate in Commercial Cleaning. Floor care is one of the core units on the Module 1 course. The two day training event in Tauranga was led

  • North Harbour teams receive awards from MP Mark...

      MP Mark Mitchell has paid tribute to CrestClean’s North Harbour teams, telling them that cleaners were often the unsung heroes of New Zealand workplaces. Mr Mitchell, the Member of Parliament for Rodney, was invited to attend a special afternoon tea to recognise the hard work and dedication of the local business owners. Five teams

  • Quality of cleaning delights penthouse apartment owner

    It’s not only the quality of his work that CrestClean business owner John Corboy is known for. His upbeat personality and friendly approach has also led to many positive comments from his customers. John is a familiar face at Dunedin-based shared business space company Petridish. Owners Jason and Kate Lindsey say they are more than

  • Kids get a real taste of Fiji thanks...

    When CrestClean’s Praneel Prasad heard that teachers and students at the school he looks after were planning to visit his homeland, he jumped at the chance to get involved. Although he couldn’t be there himself, Praneel arranged for the party from Hamilton Christian School to be met at the airport when they arrived in Fiji.

  • ‘Happiest cleaner’ thrilled at official thank you from...

    It might have been several months since he appeared on TV screens across New Zealand but people are still recognising Cicero Calzada’s cheery face. The CrestClean business owner, from Ashburton, was dubbed the nation’s happiest cleaner when he was filmed for TV Three’s The Project in the show’s weekly roundup of “good news”. Viewers saw

  • They’re on a roll as business builds following...

    Getting wrapped up in their work is all part of the job for Alsco personnel who have been busier than ever since a partnership with CrestClean was rolled out. An alliance between the two companies has enabled CrestClean to provide all its customers with an extensive range of Alsco products and services under one umbrella.


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126


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For more information and all enquiries: Call
0800 273 780

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