Christchurch North Featured

  • Crest praised after quake-hit town’s school reopens

    The Crest cleaning team (back row from left) Kumar Raj, Chithan Kumar, Jaydeep Patel, Sanjeev Raj. Front: Bhoomi Patel and Waiau School Principal Mary Kimber.

    A primary school in a quake-hit north Canterbury township has been able to reopen after a helping hand from CrestClean personnel. Waiau School Principal Mary Kimber has praised Crest, saying it was through the “hard work of the cleaners that we are able to reopen this school”. The 139-year-old school became the local evacuation meeting

  • Crest personnel take pride in their vehicles

    Christchurch and South Canterbury’s fleet of vehicles received a tick of approval after they were audited. Christchurch South Regional Manager Kiri James, Christchurch North Regional Manager Yasa Panagoda and South Canterbury Regional Manager Robert Glenie audited 25 vehicles. Franchisees vehicles are audited regularly to ensure they meet compliance guidelines as part of Crest’s Health, Safety

  • Fourteen Years Still Going Strong

    Grant Holland is one of the longest serving franchisees on the CrestClean team. “When I started there were only four in Christchurch,” he recalls. Not all of them are still in business, but the flexibility and income from owning a CrestClean franchise are what keep Grant happy with the decision he made so many years


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126


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For more information and all enquiries: Call
0800 273 780

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