End to ‘sleepless nights’ after CrestClean takes over cleaning
Ronnie Moffat, Property Manager at Mount Aspiring College, says having CrestClean’s services has finally given him peace of mind. He is pictured with Danny Mastroianniv(left), Karina Vaccarezza, Claudia Barrientos, and Lorena Mastroianni.
CrestClean has received glowing praise from a Wanaka school after it took over the cleaning contract earlier this year.
Ronnie Moffat, Property Manager at Mount Aspiring College, says employing CrestClean’s services has finally given him peace of mind the job is at last in good hands.
In an email to Danny Mastroianni, CrestClean’s Queenstown Lakes and Central Otago Regional Manager he says he’s never been happier.
“Thank you, I have struggled for nine years to even get common sense and dedication from a cleaning company.
“I have had hundreds of sleepless nights and worry over the years about cleaning service at school and I have failed to understand how it could have been so hard to give good service to the school.” Danny says he takes pride in delivering a high standard of cleaning and is proud of the way his team members go about their tasks.
Their work has not gone unnoticed, says Ronnie, who adds: “This is the first time I have ever written something like this in my 15 years at school.
“Your team are amazing and you manage them well and I am now at a point where I see what we have been missing out on over the years.
“The friendliness and the genuine care you and your team give is such a relief and a pleasure to have. Thank you Danny and please pass on to your staff my genuine appreciation.”
Danny says working at the school is rewarding. “The school is a part of the community and we are proud to be looking after their cleaning needs. It’s a great atmosphere to work in and all the staff and teachers are great.
“When we took over the cleaning we spent a lot of extra hours raising the level of cleaning. We are very pleased to have such great feedback and to know they are pleased with our work.”