12 years success in Hamilton – a ‘good move’
Gayaneshwar Raju is one of Crest’s long-standing franchisees.
Gayaneshwar Raju was one of the first franchisees to relocate to Hamilton from Auckland.
“I was in Auckland but I didn’t like it,” he says. “There was too much traffic and it was really busy. We moved to Hamilton and even though it is getting busy, we still really like it here. It was a good move.”
And 12 years later Gayaneshwar’s business is still going strong.
“I really enjoy my job,” he says. “All of my customers are really good to me. We have a really good relationship. We have to keep the customers happy. We always get good feedback from our customers.”
Gayaneshwar looks after more than 12 well-recognised Waikato businesses.
“It is a family business, it’s good. My wife and son help out along with two students,” he says. “We do appreciate the help we receive from Crest. They always help with any problems that we have and they support us to help us progress our business.”
Gayaneshwar is looking forward to continuing to grow his business in 2016.
Regional Manager Nivitesh Kumar says Gayaneshwar is a “man who wears many hats”.
“He’s very experienced. He is an all rounder. He helps me with quotes, he helps train franchisees in schools and he also helps induction trainers.”