Wellington Featured

  • Cleaning? It’s better than a gym workout!

    Hours at the gym pumping iron or running on a treadmill is one way to stay in shape – but there’s always a price to working out. But while a gym membership can be costly, Kapil Bhatt has found the perfect way to keep off the kilos while at the same time being paid for

  • Crest trainer takes shine to working at Xero

    Hardworking Naval Gupta has a dream of where he wants to be within 10 years – hopefully enjoying early retirement! The Wellington CrestClean business owner is spinning many plates in his busy working life, but it’s all part of his master plan to achieve financial freedom by the time he’s 35. As well as being

  • CrestClean on track to boost Fiji charity

    Punters splashed out large for a flutter on ‘’horses’’ taking part in the Crest Classic. The event was one of the highlights of fun night in Wellington to raise money to keep a community housing project in Fiji on track. CrestClean’s Wellington Regional Manager Richard Brodie had the honour of naming and sponsoring one of

  • Hard Floor training has community spin off

    When CrestClean’s Wellington team was looking for a training venue the outcome was a win-win for everyone. The Hard Floor Care course, run by the Master Cleaners Training Institute, teaches newbies to the cleaning industry the essentials of how to manage and maintain a range of different floor surfaces. Dan Sharma, CrestClean’s Wellington Regional Trainer,

  • Vehicle audit wins-over potential customer

    A CrestClean audit of franchisees’ vehicles was the deciding factor when a potential customer drove past and was impressed by what he saw. The man had gone on a Saturday morning drive in search of a coffee shop when he chanced upon the neat line-up of CrestClean cars being inspected at the Wellington audit. A

  • Festive treats for hardworking franchisees

    It was game-on for Wellington franchisees when they let their hair down for the annual Christmas party. This year the venue for the combined Wellington and Hutt Valley festive get together was Strike Entertainment Centre in Lower Hutt. The event proved popular and nearly100 people attended. As well as a catch up, there was a

  • College appreciates CrestClean’s work

    The man who holds the purse strings at a top New Zealand college has nothing but praise for CrestClean. Mike Ritchie, Chief Financial Officer at Scots College in Wellington, said the work of CrestClean personnel is much appreciated. “It was no small decision to bring CrestClean on to clean our school, but it is great

  • Seal of approval for our CrestClean team

    Early-risers Dan and Aijita Sharma are up with the lark to make sure Wellington’s Government House stays spotlessly clean. CrestClean Franchisees get to carry out cleaning duties in some varied and interesting places and the husband and wife team love working at the historic home where their day begins at 5am. The couple got the

  • New contract is on the right track

    Richard Brodie (CrestClean Wellington Regional Manager), Matthew Hardy (Passenger Service Manager) and our Crest teams.

    CrestClean staff have taken a real shine to Wellington’s landmark cable car in more ways than one. The team are enjoying the daily experience of keeping one of the capital city’s most popular attractions in pristine condition. Securing the cleaning contract has been a prestigious achievement for the company and its Wellington Franchisees, said Philip

  • Wellington franchisees receive praise for doing “superb” job

    Wellington franchisees Harikala, left and Naran Khatri with Wadestown School Principal Sally Barrett.

    Wellington franchisees Harikala and Naran Khatri have been praised for doing a great job. Wadestown School Principal Sally Barrett says Harikala and Naran are superb. “I am always so impressed with our cleaning team,” she says. “I treasure them and they work extremely hard. They treat and clean this school as if it’s their own

  • Hard floor course a great opportunity to up-skill

    Up-skilling is an important part of CrestClean’s commitment to training franchisees. Wellington and Hutt Valley franchisees attended a one day Floor Care Introduction course that was held at the Wellington Cadet Centre. The course, which covered machine competence and use, gave franchisees the opportunity to understand how a buffing machine works. Franchisees will now complete


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126

Email: service@crestclean.co.nz

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For more information and all enquiries: Call
0800 273 780

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