
  • New ‘Induction Trainer’ for CrestClean Nelson

    Congratulations to Mel Fearn who has recently finished her training to become an ‘Induction Trainer’ for CrestClean Nelson. Induction Training is an important part of the CrestClean franchisee training process. New franchisees will work alongside Mel for three weeks learning effective and efficient cleaning before they begin their formal training through the Master Cleaners Training

  • St Anthony’s School Bazaar

    CrestClean Wellington recently supported the St Anthony’s School Bazaar by providing goods to be sold. The bazaar managed to raise $40,000 for new school technology and the community. Below is a very well written letter from a grateful Year 8 student.

  • Jason Kang reaches 5 years with CrestClean

    From small beginnings, Jason’s business has grown to be the largest CrestClean franchise in New Zealand in a comparatively short space of time. Jason attributes a desire to succeed and applying Crests’ industry leading systems to achieving his goals. Congratulations to Jason and his colleagues for this milestone, we look forward to many more.

  • Welcome New Brighton Catholic School

    We would like to welcome New Brighton Catholic School as our newest School customer in the Christchurch region. Jason Dalziel who is looking after the school says it’s a fantastic place to work and staff are very nice. Also he says it’s a bit of deja vu for him because he used to pick up

  • Happy banter at the Palmy Vehicle Audits

    Vehicle audits are conducted regularly by our Regional Managers to ensure all franchisee equipment remains at the high quality level that CrestClean promises it’s customers. It’s also a great time for the team to catch up, meet any franchisees new to the area and enjoy the happy banter that the Palmy team have with each

  • Congratulations to our first BICS Training Graduates

    Congratulations to the first eleven CrestClean franchisees to successfully complete the BICS Cleaning Professional Skills Suite. Each Franchisee that completes the course becomes a member of the British Institute of Cleaning Sciences (BICS). The official Certificate gets sent from the International Head Office in the United Kingdom, along with an ID Badge that BICS refer

  • CrestClean Kapiti Coast sponsors youth touch Rugby

    CrestClean Kapiti Coast is proud to sponsor young Kiani Tahere to help her and the rest of the Touch Kapiti Horowhenua under 15 girls team get to the 2013 Youth Touch Nationals in Auckland. Good luck Kiani!

  • CrestClean Porsche GT3 in action

    Here are some shots of the CrestClean sponsored Porsche GT3 in action. Driven by owner Dave Allison, the event was part of the IRC Porsche racing series. Dave commented that “At the end of the weekend I still had third fastest time which I was happy with given this was my first run in that

  • Colin Hunt ‘Man of the hour’

    Pictured is Colin Hunt standing with his van holding two of the four ‘Certificates of Excellence’s’ he has received in the past three months, all from new clients, demonstrating what a difference Crest has made to their workplaces. Colin and his wife Pauline have been part of the Christchurch Crest family for many years now,

  • St Patrick’s Day Celebration

    In February CrestClean Christchurch was awarded the contract for St Patricks School in Bryndwr. Now we clean for both St Patrick’s schools in Christchurch. To celebrate St Patrick’s day we decided to send a delicious cake to both schools. “Hi Schools! We are here for the long run not for the short run,” says Christchurch

  • New Silverdale Medical Center

    Pictured here is Clinic Manager Adrienne Carter with CrestClean Regional Manager Neil Kumar at the new Silverdale Medical Center which opened in January and who are very happy with the service we provide.

  • Rodney College’s Fantastic Floors

    Pictured is Micheal and Jean Dellow from Wellsford having just done a fantastic job polishing the floors of Rodney College. The staff at the college just love them and they have an excellent customer relationship.


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126


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For more information and all enquiries: Call
0800 273 780

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