Tony Kramers has gone back to school, to reconnect with his past. The Dunedin Master Franchisee, who can trace his whakapapa (genealogy) back to Ngāi Tahu chiefs Karetai and Te Mātenga Taiaroa, is learning te reo Māori, picking up where he left off more than 20 years ago. “I learnt it through high school, right
CrestClean recently attended the General Practice Conference and Medical Exhibition in Rotorua, signalling its ongoing commitment to the healthcare sector. It is the first time a cleaning company has had an exhibition stand at the event, which was run in conjunction with the New Zealand Medical Association and attended by 900 GPs, practice managers, pharmacists
When CrestClean’s North Harbour Master Franchisee Neil Kumar bought a cleaning franchise with his wife Rachel 16 years ago he wondered what he’d got himself into. At the time he was working during the day as a CNC operator, helping Rachel with the cleaning in the evenings, and had no idea of the career path
When he was a boy, Yasa Panagoda dreamed of becoming a pilot. He achieved that goal and then he went on to set and achieve new goals — with CrestClean. It has been 10 years since Yasa joined the company as the Regional Manager for Christchurch North, in which time he has grown the region
It was great to be back amongst it at the Waikato Principals’ Association Conference! It’s been a while since we’ve been able to catch up with principals in the region, with this being the first get-together since last year’s Covid lockdowns. The conference is usually held every term, and CrestClean is a Bronze Level Sponsor.
Seven years after becoming CrestClean franchisees, Roshni and Ravendra Prasad are still proudly working with their very first customer, Placemakers Silverdale — which made it the perfect setting for them to receive their 7 Years Long Service Award. Placemakers Northern Hub Manager John Gair and Northern Hub Operations Manager Kerry Mitchell were quick to oblige,
When CrestClean franchisee Samy Goundar casually mentioned he had been cleaning Fonterra’s Hamilton site for 15 years, he never expected the fanfare that followed. Next thing he knew, he was presented with a specially designed certificate and gift cards totalling $300. Fonterra Team Leader Pokai Morunga says Samy is a role model in what he
CrestClean is proud to help keep the country moving by sanitising workplaces across New Zealand — but what do you do when your workplace is a truck? As Omicron took a hold on New Zealand, South Island transport company Philip Wareing Ltd was faced with this problem. When a driver tested positive for Covid-19, they
Partners in life and partners in business, Taranaki Regional Managers Naresh and Radhna Mani have always made a great team! And now Radhna, who previously worked a lot behind the scenes, is taking more of a customer-facing role in their CrestClean business. Going forward, Radhna will be conducting quality assurance audits, working closely with customers
You could say Melanie Fearn has grown up with CrestClean. When she was 23, she became the company’s youngest franchisee, and now 13 years later she has taken on the combined role of Quality Assurance Co-ordinator and Trainer with CrestClean’s Master Cleaners Training Institute (MCTI). “I’m excited about the new role. I really enjoy meeting
When Anita Bhushan and Vijay Kumar started their CrestClean business 10 years ago their first customer was St. Francis Catholic School in Point Chevalier, Auckland. A decade later, despite taking on staff and growing their business, they still make a point of cleaning the school themselves. “It was the first site when I started with
When Sanford put out the call for a team to clean its multi-million-dollar salmon barge on Stewart Island, CrestClean franchisees Vanessa and Randy Potot were quick to put up their hands. “It was quite exciting and adventurous compared to our other cleaning jobs,” says Vanessa. The couple, who are based in Invercargill, first caught a