Waikato Team Achieves
Toromon Mwemwenteata was presented with a Certificate of Excellence by Managing Director Grant McLauchlan for the work he has done at LIC – Riverlea.
Waikato team members were out in force with a record turnout of over 40 franchisees who attended the annual team meeting held at Hamilton Marist Rugby Club on September 16.
A number of awards including Certificates of Excellence and Long Service Awards were presented to franchisees.
Narayana Chaganti’s five year commitment to Crest was recognised with a Long Service Award.
“I was very happy to receive my Long Service Award. We are very thankful to Crest for making us part of a profitable franchise system,” Narayana says.
Gayaneshwar Raju was also awarded a Certificate of Excellence for his work at Silverdale Primary School.
Satya Reddy received his three year Long Service Award.
As part of the Waikato region, Crest franchisees service Hamilton, Huntly, Ngaruawahia, Tamahere, Taupiri, Morrinsville, Waipa, Cambridge, Pirongia and Te Awamutu.
Gayaneshwar Raju, who has been with Crest for over 10 years, received a Certificate of Excellence for his work at Silverdale Primary School. Toromon Mwemwenteata also received a Certificate of Excellence for his work at LIC – Riverlea and Lakshman Jetti for his work at Café Express NZ Ltd.
Waikato Franchisee of the Year for 2014 Danny and Ngere Vi were pleased to receive their award from Grant. Their van is also the best in the Waikato fleet.
Hamilton Regional Manager Nivitesh Kumar says the meeting was a huge success.
“It was good to have all the teams under one roof. They enjoyed catching up with each other. It was great having Managing Director Grant McLauchlan and General Manager Franchise Services Sam Lewis there. It gave franchisees an opportunity to ask them questions and talk to them. It added a personal touch to the meeting.”