Environmental Featured

  • Franchisees learn new Pure Water Window Cleaning system

    On Saturday, June 1, six Auckland franchisees attended an Induction and Training Day on using CrestClean’s innovative new Pure Water Window Cleaning System. Leo Wang, CrestClean’s expert instructor in this field, taught the franchisees everything they need to know about this environmentally friendly method of window cleaning that is revolutionising the industry. Leo has been

  • The Green Cleaning Movement

    The Green Cleaning movement has gained momentum around the world – there is strong demand from governments, companies and the public to encourage environmental sustainability. Green Cleaning involves using refined cleaning processes that utilise environmentally responsible cleaning products and energy saving processes. Many companies and organisations have set a charter to achieve a “triple bottom


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126

Email: service@crestclean.co.nz

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0800 273 780

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