
  • Cleanest Classroom competition a win-win for school

    The Cleanest Classroom competition is proving extremely popular at Ashburton Intermediate School. As a reward for ensuring their workspace is the cleanest, students were treated to pizza delivered by their cleaner, CrestClean business owner Joy Pombo. Principal Brent Gray says the competition, that’s also run by CrestClean at hundreds of other schools around the country,

  • Vehicle audits ensure high standards maintained nationwide

    CrestClean’s Tauranga owner-operators are well used to the regular scrutiny of their vehicles and equipment. More than 40 vehicles were checked over during the twice-yearly audit. Pinakin Patel, the company’s Tauranga Operations Manager, says he was delighted at the high level of compliance. The business owners take a lot of pride in keeping everything shipshape,

  • Couple’s standout year wins region’s top accolade

    They are his shining stars who well deserve the title of Whangarei Franchisees of the Year. CrestClean’s Regional Manager Edward Irving says Kamal and Pramila Naidu have had a stellar year, excelling in all aspects of the job. Outstanding customer communications is just one of their many strong points, he says. “It’s always a privilege

  • Delight at CrestClean business owner’s ice cream treat...

    When CrestClean’s Karthik Naidu decided to treat a school to ice cream he was following a family tradition of making a birthday a time to focus on others. He got a big thumbs up from children and staff at Moturoa School when he arrived with large box of ice cream to celebrate turning 28. The

  • Church pastor achieves perfect work/life balance with CrestClean

    Working for a CrestClean franchise owner in Auckland gave Mountain and Pua Mauga a taste of what it would be like to also be their own boss. They loved the work so much they mapped out a future that included also becoming CrestClean business owners. But rather than remain in New Zealand’s busiest city, the

  • 10 years celebrated by successful CrestClean business owner

    Sunny Yang receives his 10-year award from Sam Lewis (left), CrestClean’s General Manager Franchise Services, and CrestClean’s Christchurch North Regional Manager Yasa Panagoda.

    Family and sport are his two loves and Sunny Yang gets plenty of time for both. After 10 successful years with CrestClean, the Christchurch business owner says deciding to buy a cleaning franchise was one of the best decisions he’s ever made. “I can manage my own time and I get plenty of time in

  • Awards bring personal pride for business owners and...

    Jande Fuertes Ganas receives his award from Nivitesh Kumar, CrestClean’s Waikato Regional Manager.

    It was a proud moment for CrestClean’s Waikato Regional Manager when he presented certificates to business owners who have successfully completed their training. Nivitesh Kumar says handing out the awards to those achieving the Certificate in Commercial Cleaning was one of the big highlights of his role. “They’ve all worked really hard to achieve this

  • Five years polished off as Jason marks milestone...

    Jason Cheng receives his long service award from Nivitesh Kumar, CrestClean’s Waikato Regional Manager.

    When it comes to first impressions a clean and tidy vehicle goes a long way, says Jason Cheng. For in his role as one of CrestClean’s quality assurance co-ordinators Jason often bumps into operatives from other cleaning companies – and he’s less than impressed by what he sees and the poor image they portray. “When

  • Awards recognise team’s dedication during COVID-19 pandemic

    Kim Jin, Vanessa Potot and Marlene Madrid celebrate receiving their awards over a hot chocolate.

    They worked tirelessly to ensure high standards of hygiene and cleanliness were maintained as the country was in the grip of the coronavirus pandemic. Now members of CrestClean’s Invercargill COVID-19 response team have been officially thanked for their commitment to the job. Glenn Cockroft, CrestClean’s Invercargill Regional Manager, presented Certificates of Excellence to Kim Jin,

  • Morning tea a treat to thank CrestClean business...

    It was congratulations all round when CrestClean personnel met at their regional manager’s home for a celebration morning tea. Caroline Wedding wanted to say a personal ‘thank you’ to her hardworking teams who’ve reached a personal milestone. The successful business owners received their certificates of long service over a cuppa and some yummy treats. Caroline

  • Principal becomes a school cleaner to celebrate Superheroes...

    School principal Justin Neal looks the part as he dresses up as a CrestClean cleaner.

    When he decided to become a cleaner for the day school principal Justin Neal got well and truly swept along by the role. He really looked the part in a CrestClean top as he joined children and fellow staff members for a Superheroes Day at Nelson’s Appleby School. But after taking part in a procession

  • Former veterinary surgeon helping to train CrestClean personnel

    Maricel DeGuzman receives her Certificate of Achievement from CrestClean’s Invercargill Regional Manager Glenn Cockroft.

    A former veterinary surgeon is helping to train CrestClean’s new business owners in Invercargill. Maricel DeGuzman, who has been with the company for five years, has been appointed as a Regional Trainer for Master Cleaners Training Institute. Along with her husband Martin, who was also a registered veterinary surgeon when they lived in the Philippines,


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126


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For more information and all enquiries: Call
0800 273 780

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