

Jammies for June — CrestClean encourages Hawke’s Bay businesses to get involved

Children holding pyjamas.
Daniel, 5, and Anna, 3, O’Leary show off their pyjama choices for ‘Jammies for June’.

When it comes to choosing kids’ pyjamas, it pays to call in the experts.

That’s what CrestClean’s Hawke’s Bay Regional Master Franchisee Tim O’Leary did when donating to the ‘Jammies for June’ initiative — he sought the advice of his two kids, Daniel, 5 and Anna, 3.

And, with the discerning, pint-sized shoppers choosing sleepy dinosaurs and royal swans, he’s confident there will be some happy recipients when the pyjamas are gifted to families in need.

“We believe it’s important to give back to the community and this is one small way of making a difference. It was also a good learning experience for the kids — to choose something they would like for themselves, and then to give it away,
 says Tim.

“We would encourage other businesses in the region to get involved in this great community initiative too.”

Jammies for June was started seven years ago by Napier mum Gabby Allen, via her Facebook community ‘Out and about with kids in Hawke’s Bay’.

In the first year she collected 10,000 jumpers and jackets, growing in 2020 to 70,000 warm items of clothing and blankets for families in the Hawke’s Bay region.

Jammies for June has become its own entity, with Hawke’s Bay individuals and businesses encouraged to gift a “flannelette hug”.

“It’s not just a pair of pyjamas it’s a gesture of kindness, love and support from one person, one family, one school, one business, one club… to another,” says Gabby.

“You might think that it’s just a little thing and it doesn’t really make a difference but please believe me it makes a huge difference.”

Those who live in the Hawke’s Bay can drop off new pyjamas to any Tremains Real Estate in the region, the Napier Baby Factory or Uncle Coffee Shop. (For more information see: )

Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126


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