

Inspirational life stories put CrestClean on the cover of Franchise New Zealand magazine

Cleaner holding magazine.
‘Cover boy’ Malcolm Brown with the latest issue of Franchise New Zealand.

CrestClean is proud to feature on the Autumn 2021 cover of Franchise New Zealand magazine.

Franchise owners Malcolm and Shashi Brown, who appear on the cover, are one of three CrestClean husband-and-wife teams to share their inspirational story in an article about how people have changed their lives by buying a franchise.

In his editorial, Franchise New Zealand editor Simon Lord says the cover story brought tears to the eyes of the first people to read it.

“We set out to tell the stories of people who had changed their lives by buying a franchise, and found tales of sacrifice, determination and sheer hard work as people used their franchises to build a better future for themselves and their families,” writes Simon.

CrestClean has enjoyed a long relationship with Franchise New Zealand, having advertised with the magazine for the past 25 years.

“We are really appreciative to Simon and Franchise New Zealand for showcasing these life-changing stories. And, of course, to our franchisees for sharing their CrestClean journeys with the magazine’s readers,” says CrestClean Managing Director Grant McLauchlan.

“Over the years we have witnessed many people transforming their lives through owning a CrestClean franchise. It’s something we regularly celebrate through our own channels but it’s always exciting when our stories feature in a reputable and respected publication such as Franchise New Zealand.”

In the article, Tauranga franchisee Malcolm Brown shares how owning a franchise helped him and his wife Shashi build an impressive property portfolio, while North Harbour franchisees Teneaki and Francis Nawaia, who are originally from the tiny island nation of Kiribati, talk about how they were able to build a new life in New Zealand and reunite their family.

Christchurch franchisees Tency and Joseph Sabu, who also feature in the article,

inspire readers with how CrestClean enabled them to build a successful business and put their children through university after Joseph suffered a brain injury that prevented him from continuing his career as a mechanical engineer.

As Simon writes: “Owning your own business is about more than money or lifestyle. For some people, it’s about getting a better education for their children, or living how or where they want. For others it’s about healthy living, overcoming setbacks or investing for a financially-secure future.”

You can read the full Franchise New Zealand article here:

Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126


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