Tauranga’s New Franchisees of the Year for 2015
Navjot Noria and Mandeep Kamboj were named Tauranga’s 2015 New Franchisee of the Year. They are pictured with Regional Manager Jan Lichtwark.
Mandeep Kamboj and Navjot Noria are Tauranga’s New Franchisees of the Year for 2015.
The brother and sister franchise team have been with Crest for six months and have already impressed their customers with their work ethic, commitment and dedication to their job.
“We are very happy that we joined Crest. It was a good decision and it suited us,” Mandeep says. “With our job, there’s no pressure. No one is on your case and we are our own bosses. We work very well together.”
Mandeep and Navjot look after 12 customers in Tauranga and Mt Maunganui.
“We always strive to make sure our customers are happy. We enjoy what we do. We appreciate the recognition. It is a great reward for our hard work.”
Tauranga Regional Manager Jan Lichtwark says Mandeep and Navjot are passionate about their work.
“They have been great franchisees. They work really hard and they communicate well with everyone. This award is well deserved,” he says.