

CrestClean Nelson and Blenheim Celebrate Culture

Arishma Singh, Sameeta Kumar, Regional Manager Barbara de Vries, Julie Ashton and Heidi Borgfeldt enjoyed wearing a sari.

Arishma Singh, Sameeta Kumar, Regional Manager Barbara de Vries, Julie Ashton and Heidi Borgfeldt enjoyed wearing a sari.

Nelson and Blenheim Crest teams enjoyed learning more about Indian culture, customs and etiquette.

Nelson franchisees Sameeta Kumar and Nischal Lal invited franchisees to spend a day at their home learning about their culture.

Regional Manager Barbara de Vries says everyone had a great time.

Rahil Prasad and Kara Borgfeldt also dressed for the occasion.

Rahil Prasad and Kara Borgfeldt also dressed for the occasion.

“It was interesting and everyone was grateful for the opportunity to learn more about Indian culture,” she says. “It was fun dressing up in a traditional sari. It was something different. Everyone really enjoyed the Bollywood dancing at the end of the day.”

Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126


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