10 years with CrestClean an ‘honour’
Financial Controller Sharon Churchill recently celebrated 10 years with CrestClean.
Financial Controller Sharon Churchill is proud to have seen CrestClean grow from one franchisee in Dunedin to over 480 franchisees in New Zealand.
In recognition of her 10-year service, Managing Director Grant McLauchlan presented Sharon, who is one of many long-standing CrestClean personnel, with a glass plaque and a $2000 travel voucher.
“It was an honour to have my 10-year service recognised with a Long Service Award,” she says. “The travel voucher was a surprise. It is wonderful of Grant and Rene to do that.”
Sharon oversees CrestClean’s financial systems and prepares monthly reports for Directors.
“It is a challenging role that keeps me very busy and I get to work with an awesome bunch of people,” she says. “The Crest Admin Services Team is second to none.”
Congratulations Sharon and here’s to another 10 years!