Over 70 Attend Crest’s Invercargill Christmas Celebration
All the children of Invercargill have been good this year, according to Santa, who made a special stop at the CrestClean region’s Christmas party.
Regional Manager Glenn Cockroft invited all of the Invercargill CrestClean franchisees and their families – 70 people in total – to his home for a special Christmas party and feast. Even Santa Claus was there and he didn’t arrive empty handed. He had 22 gifts – one for every child at the annual holiday party.
Glenn donned his chef’s coat and served a special Christmas lunch that included hot ham on the bone, a variety of cold meats, hot casseroles and fresh spring vegetables.
“We had hot dogs and battered fish for the children, but maybe I should have cooked more as it was noticed that a number of parents helped out to ensure all of the hot dogs were eaten!” says Glenn.
They finished off the meal with pavlova and a variety of fresh fruits and cream.
Though the kids all thought the spotlight was on Santa, two outstanding Invercargill franchisee teams have also been very good this year.
Franchisee of the Year was awarded to the team of Harry and Genevra Ficks. Not only were they honoured for their excellent customer service and hard work, but they have also completed five years of service with CrestClean. “In fact,” notes Glenn, “They are the longest serving team in the area.”
However, there are always new members to welcome to the team and who learn from the veteran franchisees. This year’s Rookies of the Year for Invercargill were Marlene and Jamie Madrid, who commenced their first contract with Crest in April after completing their training.
“I continually receive compliments on the way that they are conducting their business in the area,” says Glenn. “They are a joy to have on the team.”