CrestClean Spotted in Rosebank’s Roundabout
CrestClean’s Caroline Wedding, right, with from left, Jo Hardwidge of Avondale Intermediate, Ryall Stafford from MIRA, and Sally Harris of Intelligent Environments.
Membership in local business groups and community organisations is a part of doing business for many of CrestClean’s Regional Managers, including Caroline Wedding, who recently made an appearance in the Rosebank Business Association’s newsletter, Roundabout.
Caroline had attended the monthly Members’ Hosting, which was held in a recently completed new wing of Avondale College, the final phase of a $50 million redevelopment programme at the school. The Members’ Hosting, which is a monthly RBA event held at a different venue and sponsored by a rotating cast of members, was held for their Platinum Sponsors, Sharp NZ and in association with Avondale College, which drew many educators from the West Auckland Region.
“It was great because I got to see one of my clients from Avondale Intermediate,” says Caroline, who’s been an RBA member for over two years. “We meet once a month and it’s a chance to catch up with local business owners, customers and Avondale people, as well as keep up with what’s happening in the community. It’s a great group of people and a very strong organisation.”
The RBA was established in 2003 to create opportunities and improve services for the more than 500 businesses in the Rosebank precinct.
“I always make a point of attending the Members’ Hostings,” says Caroline. “In fact, next month the hosting is at a customer’s!”