Health and Safety the Buzz in Blenheim
CrestClean’s display table showcased our environmentally responsible chemicals and information on SafeClean, our Health, Safety and Environmental Management System.
Marlborough’s annual Health and Safety Expo was another great success for Barbara de Vries, CrestClean’s Regional Director for Blenheim and Nelson.
This year brought more businesses and business owners by CrestClean’s display table, resulting in many new leads and connections, she says.
“Last year there was a lot more of the general public at the expo and this year there were more business owners,” notes Barbara. That mirrors what’s occurring throughout the New Zealand business community as the government’s recent reforms to workplace health and safety laws go into effect in just a few short months. The new law puts more responsibility on business owners to ensure their workplaces are safe and compliant.
“Many of the business owners I spoke with were interested in our cleaning services and being able to tell people about our new Health and Safety Management System was great,” says Barbara.
CrestClean’s Health and Safety Management System, SafeClean, follows industry ‘best practice’ and is designed to minimise risks and ensure compliance. Our personnel undergo mandatory health and safety training, site inductions to specific risks and hazards, and robust documentation and monitoring.
CrestClean has also been approved for Contractor Pre-qualification by CPNZ Ltd and meets ACC Workplace Safety Management Practices.
“There was definitely interest in CrestClean, even from businesses who said they already had cleaners,” says Barbara. “And there was also a lot of enthusiasm for our new Consumable Products offerings, which is part of the integrated services we bring to our customers.”
In addition to the many exhibitors filling the Marlborough Convention Centre, the event also included workshops and, for the first time, a keynote speaker – Geoff Wilson, Safe Communities Foundation New Zealand Trustee and Relationships and Development Manager of Site Safe New Zealand, who remarked on the general safety scene in New Zealand.