

Pure Water Makes Splash at Quiz Night

One of CrestClean’s special sponsored tables at Hampden Street School’s annual Quiz Night fundraiser.

One of CrestClean’s special sponsored tables at Hampden Street School’s annual Quiz Night fundraiser.

Regional Director for Nelson and Blenheim Barbara de Vries was happy to donate a voucher for a Pure Water Window Cleaning Service to a fundraiser for Hampden Street School.

The Pure Water Cleaning was one of many donations to the “monster auction” held during the Annual Quiz Night, which is a popular fundraiser held every year for the primary school.

At the evening’s event Barbara also sponsored two of the tables, decorating them with CrestClean supplies and information, which was noted by the organisers.

“We had a great night and appreciated the effort CrestClean put into making their sponsored tables a bit special!” says Marion James, Co-Chair Hampden Street School Parent Teacher Association.

The Quiz Night raised over $10,000 for the primary school, which will be used for a new Tiger Turf on one of their courts.

Hampden Street School has been a Crest customer since 2011 and Barbara says it always gives her a good feeling to be generous towards the local schools.

Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

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Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126


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