

CrestClean Gains Contractor Prequalification Status

CrestClean has gained Contractor Prequalification status with CPNZ LtdCrestClean has gained Contractor Prequalification status with CPNZ Ltd.

Contractor Prequalification is becoming a common part of the tender process right around the world for work that requires good health and safety performance. It allows organisations engaging contractors to determine if the contractors have recognised Health and Safety standards and compliances. It assists in the process of selecting, engaging and managing contractors to ensure they have good systems to identify and manage risks and the capability to work safely.

The Department of Labour have recently clarified that prequalification is one of the key steps in good contractor management.

The prequalification process required the submission of CrestClean’s Health, Safety and Environmental Management systems and evidence supporting its implementation for review.

CrestClean was able to demonstrate that we understand our legal obligations under health and safety law and have systems in place to ensure we can work safely, protecting our own personnel, our customers’ staff and the public.

CrestClean has recently revised its internal Management Systems in regards to Health and Safety and Environmental and Sustainability Management. As a result, it has now created an Integrated Management System titled “CrestClean’s HSEMS”.

CrestClean’s HSEMS has been designed to comply with ASNZ: 4801, ISO: 14001, CPNZ and ACC WSMP Tertiary Level certification requirements and provides a robust framework for the Company to effectively manage its responsibilities as a ‘Corporate Citizen’ and run a safe and effective operation. The framework focuses on industry leadership, continuous improvement and management of ‘best practice’ processes.

It’s simple, fit for purpose, multi tiered approach provides which assurance to CrestClean’s customers that they are receiving services that are safe, compliant and considerate to their own businesses responsibilities.

Our workforce is equipped with the latest, most relevant, Health, Safety and Environmental management information and tools to enable them to ensure their activities do not negatively impact on the environments they work.

Site Specific Health and Safety and Environmental Management Plans provide transparency and a point of reference for our customers, while being effective in their purpose of workplace harm and environmental impact reduction.

CrestClean’s industry leading Health and Safety systems are ‘open to review’ as new initiatives emerge.

CPNZ is an independent commercial body established to undertake a pre-qualification of Health, Safety and Environmental practice of contractors, on behalf of clients, prior to engaging in contracts. CPNZ Ltd is backed by Impac Services Ltd, New Zealand’s leading provider of risk and safety management solutions.


Crest Commercial Cleaning Ltd

P O Box 740
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-3-477 1126


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For more information and all enquiries: Call
0800 273 780

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