Dunedin Schools receive LeslieRugby sponsorships
Joshua enthusiastic about the day.
Recently 8 children from our school customers were selected to receive CrestClean Principal’s Sponsorships for the LeslieRugby Coaching Clinic held on 31st March at Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin.
The children had a great day, and they participated very well, learning new skills from a team of experienced trainers.
Over the last couple of months CrestClean has sent more than 60 ‘rugby mad’ kids along to LeslieRugby Coaching Clinics that were held around New Zealand. As well as sponsoring the whole series, CrestClean provided scholarships for deserving junior rugby players who would otherwise have not been able to attend.
You can view the latest photos and stories from the 2013 clinics at LeslieRugby’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/LeslieRugbyCoaching. ‘Like’ this page to be kept informed of future LeslieRugby events.